Author Topic: [Tips] SQL Server Compact editor / SQL Server 3rd party FREE tools  (Read 9679 times)


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  • Posts: 18
 8) Helo All, good morning

this a list of the FREE/OPEN SOURCE tools for edit a SQL Server Compact db :

- SeasonStar Database Management
  free open source

(testing by me : OK)

With support for all major database formats, top-class export functions and advanced feaures like Linq Data Context availabe, SSDM is probably your best choice for DB management. It's even free software - Supporting all major formats
SSDM supports SqlCE, Sql Server, Effiproz, Oracle, MySql, Sqlite, OleDB, Excel, CSV and FireBird.
Lightweight and easy to use
SSDM has a clean and intuitive user interface, to let you do your job as effectively as possible. And takes up under 10 megabytes of disk space.
Simple export SSDM's excellent export wizard makes it hassle-free to export your database to any format- at any time. Free Software

SSDM is licenced under the GNU GPL, giving you freedom to use the software in any way you want, including modifying it and passing it on.

- CompactView  :P
  free open source

 (testing by me : OK)

CompactView is a viewer for Microsoft® SQL Server® Compact Edition (SQLCE) database files (*.sdf).
CompactView can open database files of versions 3.1, 3.5 and 4.0.
CompactView need the following installed software to run it:

    * Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.0
    * Microsoft® SQL Server® Compact Edition (versions as needed, at least one):
          o Version 3.1
          o Version 3.5
          o Version 4.0

Copyright © 2011-2012 Iván Costales Suárez
GNU General Public License

- Versabanq Squel  :P

Very good
is a free developer/administrator tool for developing Microsoft SQL Server databases.


A free alternative to SQL Studio, Squel includes these features:

     Small, optimized, native code with extremely fast startup time.
      A handy sidebar making it easy to open your database objects, including tables, views, and stored procedures.
      Incremental text substring search through database object names.
      Convenient, self-naming editor tabs with syntax highlighting.
      Rapid switching between multiple databases.
      An optional, secure password storage feature, so you don't have to repeatedly type your username and password every time you start.
      Fast keyboard shortcuts for all activities.
      Edit-in-place data grids: run a query in SQL, then edit the database directly in a grid!
      Ability to multiple result sets simultaneously.
      A "debug mode" query executor that shows you PRINT statement output, multiple result sets in a single query, and the exact line of a stored procedure that triggered an error.
      Installs and runs even if you don't have administrator access on your workstation.
      Compatible with all recent versions of Microsoft SQL, including the free Microsoft SQL Express.

  the current version is completely free and it never expires.
  Download Versabanq Squel (2.5MB)

Bye and thank to SambaPOS :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 02:03:32 am by icemax »
SambaPOS : the One