English Boards > Support

Change UI / Theme into dark colors

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at first - great POS System and thank you for make do it open source!
Is there a way or maybe a point on roadmap to render the UI into a
darker color like naviagation systems in a car when its dark? :)

Another question - how to add an image to a product (perhaps instead of a text)??

Best regards and go on with this great work!!
And - Merry Christmas!

hi nibelungen

try this http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,62.0.html

merry xmas

hello nibelungen;
There is currently no support for themes. I agree we should consider it.
In the dark environment of bars darker colors will be better. For one friend I installed a little application called "screen dimmer" and he activates it at nights.

Navigate to Manage > Products > Menu List, double click "Menu", click on a category and click "Edit product properties". A popup will appear and you can change button images, background colors and titles on this screen.

Merry Christmas :)

Hey Emre,

thanks a lot.
Adding images worked like you described!

Umm im really new to this project, but i like it.
I´ve never build an c# project from source - is there somewhere
a shot description, than i will try different themes (if i find all files included
the color definitions :) )

I have to take some time to undestand how the color and definitions depends
on other files but it could not be too hard i think.

So if you can point me to the right direction i will try different colors.

Thanks a lot for this nice stuff.

best regards

Hello; We used WPF as our presentation framework. WPF supports something named styles and with styles it is possible to change the look of any screen item like we do with CSS for web pages. I never tried using custom styles with SambaPOS before. I think we have to add some code to be able to support custom styles. If we add that support further customization will be easy.

If you are interested you can try searching for "WPF themes".


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