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Using a Modifier for a Modifier


I have just started using the program.  I have created a Product called FISH, used a modifier to create 5 side options and when the SALAD option is selected I want another Modifier (SALAD DRESSINGS) pop up.  How can i get this to happen?  Thanks in advance, Diana

I might be wrong, but I don't think it has a Modifier for a Modifier. You might have to create 5 dressing Modifier for Salad.

Again, I might be wrong.

Thanks for the response. I thought maybe that was what Rules or Triggers might be for but I don't understand how to use them.  Because Salad is one of my options once I click that i want a forced option to come up for the salad dressing.  I know there must be something that works automatically.

Hello dfedosoff, There is no popup modifer selection feature but "modifier grouping" feature might help. You can read about it here http://www.sambapos.org/en/content/sambapos-292-released

The idea is you'll create separate modifier groups for salad x, salad y, soup, etc and merge them under "Starter" group.

I tried using it but now looking at it closer I think I did it incorrectly. I will try once again and hopefully be able to fix it! Thanks so much for the quick response.  I am trying to get this database up and running by Jan 1 and I haven't even hooked it up to SQL.


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