English Boards > Support

Hotel included breakfast


Our restaurant gives breakfast service to an hotel. Hotel guests have standard breakfast included in hotel room cost. To trace the number of breakfast served we need to print a ticket with ZERO total amount that has to be signed from customer. We configured some products in breakfast menu with auto gift setting but when closing the ticket with only gifted products the table closes automatically, but we need that the table stay opened to be able to add other products to the ticket and settle it when the customer leaves the table.

In this case we'll have another issue. If we left it open and there is no additional orders you won't be able to close ticket since settle function does not operate on zero priced tickets.

You're right Emre.... I'm thinking in settle the ticket to the customer account balance, any way to unlock the zero ticket payment?

There is a way to disallow auto closing ticket if all items are marked as gift? i have now 2 products in the ticket, i mark as gift and when i click on close ticket it close the table too...


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