English Boards > Support

Conditional Delivery charge



Can anyone tell me how to institute an automatic fixed delivery charge for any ticket that totals under a prescribed amount?

I cannot find anywhere in the program that will allow me to put logical statements.


Create a default service template and add it to the delivery department. That should add servicing amount when a ticket created.

Create a new Action that removes the service template. Action Type should be "Update Ticket Service Amount". Service Template name will be the name of the Service Template. The amount will be 0 (zero). Since you enter 0 there it will remove service template...

Create a new rule that executes the "Remove Service" action. The event name will be "Ticket Total Changed". You'll enter the min ticket amount for free service to the "Ticket Total" condition and you'll choose ">" (Greater) symbol.

That means if you enter 100 there SambaPOS will execute "Remove Service" action when ticket amount is greater than 100...


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