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Menu Button So Small

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Hello everyone
happy new years and thanx for all the great help

i have a problem  at my restaurant our menu has more than 10 items per category  i notice on samba pos the menu button get really small when u have more then 7 items why is that what can i do to make them stop ? my employees cannot see the item name its too small please help

There are different solutions for that. Is it possible to post a screen shot that demonstrates the problem?

here is what they look like

Here are the options:
1. You can use small numberpad type for that category by changing numerator type to small from category settings (edit category on menu settings). So you'll be able to decrease column numbers.

2. You can modify button headers for multiple lines. Click "Edit Product Properties" and on "Header" column add \r to break a button header to multiple lines. For example [/b]Hot\rSandwich[/b] will displayed in two lines. If you want to do it for all button headers you enable "Wrap Text" setting for a Menu Category.

3. By increasing the Page Count of that category you can break that category to multiple pages.

4. Visit this link http://sambapos.org/en/content/sambapos-252-test-release for sub-category feature.

Please share the result with us.

emre  i keep having issues with this

no matter what i do if it goes over lets say 6 button they start to go small its very hard to work with


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