English Boards > Support

Menu Button So Small

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Did you tried decreasing column count for that category?

columm count is set to 0 what should it be too ?  we love the software but this is a big problem because we cannot see name of the items everything is so small   

You have now 8 columns now, try to set the column value to 7. If the text is still too small try 6. Value 0 means "let Sambapos figure it out" At which column value is your text readable?

You will see that the button list will be too long, and you will have to scroll down for the lower buttons.

You have two options then:

1. make the num pad smaller (like Emre suggested above)

2. make subcategories. For like example starters, main courses and deserts.
Like suggested before, visit: http://sambapos.org/en/content/sambapos-252-test-release

Hi Emre,

I see the Gratuity button in the above picture. How can I add one like his ? Please advise

Thank you

what I did was to reduce the column number to 1 then changed the number of pages to 3, play with those settings until you find what you want


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