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Set Up file Problems

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Hi Emre,

How are you hope you enjoyed the weekend.

Ok as well as using the samba pos and understanding how it works from user point of view I am trying to also learn how it works from the code point of view and how it all goes togeather which I find fascinating.

Now in a previous post i said i was going to install a fresh copy and set it up in my family restaurant, but what im trying to do is make a few adjustments to the code ie layout of some buttons as on some 7" android devices I can see the exit button and a few other things and also
rename a few items so the staff can easily relate to them. As you can understand in the restaurant business staff tend not to like something if they don't understand it or is different to what they used to for example ticket/ reciept.

I know you said on a post that all code changed should be uploaded to your server but at the moment am just learning Samba Pos and I want to create a set up file just for my family restaurant so they can use it with android and Ipad, and I get the best of both worlds. I can use it in the restaurant and at home I can see the inner workings and learn and maybe help in further development of this great software.

I have read on a post to download inno setup and comppile the set up file in samba settings folder but I dont know what im doing or if there
are some items missing but every time I open the setup.iss file and try to compile it It just throws up error after error. the first saying windows

what do you guys suggest or is there a way to do it or am I doing something wrong?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I tried this weekend to create it and set up samba Pos to install this week at the restaurant but just this problem is coming up.

I have attached an Image Also.

Kind Regards

Can't see the image but if it is V3 setup it won't work standalone. I've modified it to be able to integrate it with our CI server. In fact setup is not needed for personal needs. You can just xcopy the output folder.

There is no requirement about uploading your modifications. It is up to you. When you clone main repo it becomes private to you. You can upload your changes, refresh or delete your own repo. We have no control on it. When you think you have something interesting you let us know it by creating a "pull request". If it fits to our solution we merge it with our repo.

The main purpose of this suggestion is creating a benefit to you and other people who may need your changes. If further SambaPOS releases contains your changes you'll be able to upgrade to latest releases. That is the idea.

Hi Emre,

No I dont think its V3, its samba pos 2, when i go to samba setup folder and double click set up.iss and it opens up in inno set up i click
compile but errors come up.
I couldnt attach the file last night the size was too big, I have attached one now so you can see.

Where is the output folder??

Yes I totally understand and your suggestion is very right after all it is a community and when i do find something interesting which im sure
will be soon I will deffinalty create a pull request, at the moment I am just in the exploring and experimenting phase.

I think latest version of Inno setup gives that message.
You can try removing line 97.  (MinVersion setting)

The output folder is SambaSetup/src. It refreshes on "Release" builds.

I did try that but then it went onto the langauges that are not in there and when i removed the langages it went to some files that are refrenced in the set up.iss file but are not in the samba setup file.
do you think downloading an earlier version of set up will work and where can i get that from?

the output folder has many iss files How do i compile all them??

Sorry if the questions sound silly but this is my first time using this type of way I was previously used to working with ms access so trying to step up a few levels. :-)


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