English Boards > Support

Set Up file Problems

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You should generate a release build with visual studio. It will copy all needed files to output dir and inno setup will be able to find them.


So to fully understand, I open then project, then create a release build and it will create all the neccesarry files.

then how to i get inno setup to look them up?? is there a file or a way to open it up so inno set up pulls everything up?

Release build copies files to SambaSetup/src and inno setup looks for files in SambaSetup/src

If you check file paths on inno project file you'll understand it better.


Ok i will try this tonight.

Shall i create a new project and copy everything to their or do it in existing project? will it over write the src files that are already there?

by the way thanks you for the quick reply. :-)

Yes, overwrites :)


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