English Boards > Support

Purchasing inventory with cash


I'm probably just being incredibly thick but please enlighten me.

I understand that by adding a new transaction in the products section, the software would acknowledge that I have bought some new inventory (or in the case of a new set up, to update the current level of stock). If I was to purchase the new inventory with cash or credit, would I still need to manually add the transaction as an expense transaction in the cash drawer or is there a way to automatically embed the costs to correct the cash position of the restaurant?

Since we do not pay all purchases from cash immediately we don't do it automatically. We need accounting features for tracking our liabilities properly. On V3 we'll have them.

Thank you Emre, appreciate your prompt response. Another big thank you for creating SambaPOS and making it open source. It is by far the best open source POS out there in my opinion.


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