English Boards > Support

New User with Lots of Questions


1.  Is there, or will there ever be, implementation to use an online (paypal, authorize.net, etc... or some custom api from a USA bank) to accept credit cards?
2.  If my customer orders sushi and pizza, can i have the pizza order print out to one printer and the sushi to another? remember all items on the same ticket, so the idea is can different categories of food items be printed on different printers?
3. If I am in the middle of an order, can I switch from PICKUP to DELIVERY?
4. Can I Delete tickets?
5. Can I accept less than the entire cost of an order, and still have the ticket close compeltely?

Thanks so much for all the help this software ROCKS the house!

1. Not yet. We still couldn't solve PCI compliance problem and we don't want to release a non compliant solution.
2. Yes. You can map different printers to products or product groups on "Kitchen Printing" Print Job.
3. Yes. Create a ticket tag named "Hold" and assign it to a department. When you click that button it will tag ticket as "Hold" and close ticket if you configure it to do so. When you click that button again when there is no active ticket it will display tickets tagged as "Hold".
4. No. Impossible.
5. Yes, you can add a discount and settle remaining amount. For easy discounting, type the amount you want to settle and click "Auto Round" button.

Thank you for your kind words...

Thanks for quick response,

My questions was if a worker is taking an order for delivery, then customer says, "you know, i will come to store to pickup instead" or he says, "instead, i want to come in to eat and not do delivery" can order be switch types in the middle???

i am telling you, i have shown this to shop owners in new york city, they really love it! maybe u should open an office on this side of ocean? pm me if interested...

Last question, I have a school that orders 35 pizzas weekly and an assortment of other items, can I save their favorite order so i don't have to retype it every time? if so how?

Hello felfman. There is no predefined order type in SambaPOS. Again, you can do it by creating ticket tags. You'll create a ticket tag named "Order Type" and create two tags named "PICKUP" and "DELIVERY". You can also automatically tag new tickets as DELIVERY and change it manually to "PICKUP" when needed. All ticket printing and similar rules can be configured to work with Ticket Tags. For example you can send PICKUP tickets to printer A or DELIVERY tickets to printer B. They can also have different printing formats.

Sorry there is no "favorite order" feature yet. We'll implement similar features while developing customer loyalty module. Some restaurants also want to create individual promotions for customers favorite orders.

Yes I'm interested with opening an office there. I'll pm.


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