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SambaPOS 2.70 Promotional Features

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Emre, you must have known this topic would come up  ;)

After watching the video you posted a few days ago, I am interested is knowing more about the promotional features within SambaPOS.

We are using rule - event mechanism for configuring promotions. Let me know what kind of a promotion you need and I'll try to find a solution :)

I can think of three promotions we would look at - at this stage.

1. Once every year, ie Christmas time, we would gift 2 free drinks (of any type - beer, wine, spirit) to every club member
2. For a new member we would gift (one time only) 5 free drinks (of any type - beer, wine, spirit) or
3. For a new member we would credit them an amount (say $20) towards purchases - this comes more under loyalty than promotions.

To me its more about understanding the concept within SambaPOS and how to create promotions. Every venue has a different idea when it comes to promotions.

Hello John. That would be a great exercise.

As you know with SambaPOS we can select customer before or after creating a ticket. I think we should select the customer before executing any promotion rule. Altering old lines after selecting the customer is a little hard (and unsafe). What do you think about that? Can I assume it should work by selecting customer at first?


Yes, selecting the customer first will be fine - we will use Delivery mode for the department, and use the membership card number as the phone number in the customer database.

May I suggest that the Phone number field be configurable to show Phone or Membership and remove the brackets () from the field (in Australia we only have 2 digit area codes), and if a matching number is scanned then it goes straight to the ticket screen.


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