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SambaPOS 2.70 Promotional Features

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Hello John. I've implemented {setting:xxx} tag for printing settings but I think using them with constraints or parameters is a brilliant idea. I think I can do it.

So it was me being too smart  8)

So I have simplified the rules and actions to just 3 Rules & 3 Actions (Plus a global Update Program Settings Action)

Action 1. Print Promo Ticket
Action 2. Update Ticket Tag
- Promo = [Setting Value]
Action 3. Reset Promo Ticket
- Set PromoTicket=0

Rule 1. User Login
- Action 1. Reset Promo Ticket
Rule 2. Enable Customer Promo Ticket using Customer Selected for Ticket trigger
- If the customer is Active (via Customer Group Code) then it sets PromoTicket=1
Rule 3. Print Promo Ticket for ticket total above an amount, ie $5, $10, etc using Payment Received trigger
- Setting Check - PromoTicket = 1
- Amount > 9.99
- Action 1. Ticket Tag Promo - Setting Value = Tooheys Esky
- Action 2. Print Promo Ticket
- Action 3. Reset Promo Ticket - PromoTicket=0

This is neat and tidy. What would be cool is if the Payment Received Rule also included the following conditions
- Ticket Tag (which can be set by purchase of a product if it is product driven Promo)
- Tag Name (as above)
- Customer Group Code
- Customer Note

These would allow removal of the Enable Promo Ticket rule and Promo Reset actions. So we would have only 2 Actions and 1 Rule.

Rule 1. Print Promo Ticket for ticket total above an amount, ie $5, $10, etc, for an Active Customer with Full Membership using Payment Received trigger
- Amount > 9.99
- Customer Group Code = Active
- Customer Note ? Full Member
- Action 1. Ticket Tag Promo - Setting Value = Tooheys Esky
- Action 2. Print Promo Ticket

All up, Promo tickets need to be printed only once payment received (never before), so the trick is getting the info needed to the payment process.

Being able to use {SETTING:xx} variables would allow nicer formatting for printed tickets and better Rule & Action handling for more complicated setups, but at the end of the day if the printed ticket has Promo: XXXX via Ticket Tag then so be it.

Like I said, its about working with what we have, not reinventing the wheel.

With 2.79 you should be able to use setting values with actions and rules.. Required syntax is {:SETTINGNAME}. When you use curly brackets and start setting name with semicolon it will read that setting an replace the value. Unlike printer syntax we won't use SETTING part. I preferred curly brackets instead of square brackets since square brackets means variable

With 2.79 there are some important features.

Update Program Setting action has a new parameter named IsLocal. That setting defines if the setting is used locally or for the entire network. We should use Global Settings (IsLocal = False) for counting promotions because all terminals should be aware of the latest promotion count of the customer. But for storing "Tendered Amount" or similar temporary values we should use local settings because we should store it for the active terminal. You can try the effect by starting two SambaPOS applications. If you limited gift count with 5 you should not be able to gift more that 5 on two terminals.

Gift Last Ticket Line action has a new parameter named quantity. It will work if it is bigger than 0 and with that setting you can limit gift quantity for a single line. For example if that setting is 1 and the operator sells 5 beers at a time (by using the numerator) it will split the line and gift only one of them.

Update Last Ticket Line Price Tag is a new action and with that action you can create price promotions instead of gifts. Price Tags is an another unique feature of SambaPOS. For example create a new Price Definition named %50 Off and enter the same value (or a shorter tag instead) to Price Tag text box. After saving it open Price List Editor and you'll see a new column added to price list. Enter "%50 Off" promotional prices for desired products. If you leave it empty (0) for some products SambaPOS will use base price instead. Normally you can activate a price list manually from "Department" settings page and can have different prices for different departments. Or you can activate it with "Change Price List" action and maybe you can create date triggers for "happy hour" implementation. With the new Update Last Ticket Line Price Tag action you'll be able to change price with a price tag for individual lines... SambaPOS will display applied price tag on each line and you can print price tags for each line on ticket.

I really like the way you think - some features and changes you make are just so Cool.

I'm going to have fun testing this lot :)

The changes you made to Payment Received Rule has reduced a dollar value promo to 1 Rule & 2 Actions. Much easier to setup.

One Rule that may be useful is when an item is cancelled. You could use this to remove ticket tags. This would stop operators selecting qualifying promo products to enable promo features, then cancel the item and select something else.


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