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SambaPOS 2.70 Promotional Features

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I implemented few features for 2.77 and tried implementing your promotion cases. I added "Gift Last Ticket Item" action, customer group code field to customer cards and improved setting handling.

Basically we configure Gift Promotion rules by "Add Ticket Line" action with gift option or "Gift Last Ticket Item" action.  You can constraint rules by Customer Group so you can use it for club members. Generally we use "Line Added to Ticket" event for executing these actions.

Ticket tagging is a nice feature that can be used to tag tickets with additional information. For example we use it for storing waiter name or the source of the order (phone, internet, etc) or store person count with numerical tags or anything else. During Christmas we can tag automatically tag tickets with Promotion=Christmas value and query it on "Ticket Line Added" event. We'll talk about it more later. We'll create an "Update Ticket Tag" action on "Ticket Created" event for tagging tickets automatically.

Trigger feature generates "Trigger Executed" event. We can setup a trigger that triggers on 15th December every year and another trigger that triggers on 5th January. First trigger will execute a "Update Program Setting" action that enables the ChristmasPromotion setting and the second trigger will disable it. When we constraint ChristmasPromotion setting before executing "Update Ticket Tag" action that will mean all tickets created between 15th December and 5th Januray will tagged as Promotion=Christmas automatically.

Lastly we should count how many promotions we made to a customer. We'll need Program Settings for each customer that increases as we create promotions. We'll use Update Program Setting for storing that setting but configure it differently for increasing it. We'll set Update Type to "Increase" and the [SettingName] will increase as we call that. We'll execute it after "Gift Last Ticket Item" action and when we gift an item that setting will increase. But how can we name it? First of all we'll keep Setting Name on "Update Program Setting" action as variable because we'll name it on "Ticket Line Added" event. To do this we'll set it's value as [Setting Name]. On "Line Added to Ticket" event we'll include "Update Setting Value" action and that from that action's parameter box we'll use CHRISTMASPRM-[CustomerId] value. Before reading that setting SambaPOS will replace [CustomerId] part with actual customer-id so we have CHRISTMASPRM-1 setting name for first customer and CHRISTMASPRM-2 as second customer. As we add promotions these values will increase...

To be continued....

This is the Basic configuration for setting up gift promotions with number constraint.

Action for Gifting Items

* Create a new action and Name it as "Gift Ticket Item"
* Select action type as "Gift Last Ticket Item"
* This step is optional. If you configure Gift reasons before you can select a Gift reason from drop down list. For example if you add a Gift reason named "Promotion" you'll be able to differ promotional gifts on screen and reports. You can only select pre-configured gift reasons.Action for Storing Promotion Count

* Create an another action and name it as "Increase Customer Promotion Count".
* Choose "Update Program Setting" as action type.
* We need a setting name unique to each customer. We'll configure a variable Setting name so we can pass setting name from another event. Entering the setting name with square brackets will do the job. Something like [Customer ID] .
* Setting Value will be 1.
* Update Type will be "Increase". That means when this action executes setting value will increase.Rule for Gifting Items

* Create a new rule named as "Gift Beverages to VIP Customers"
* Event name will be "Line Added to Ticket"
* MenuItemGroupCode will be "Beverages" so we'll only gift beverages.
* CustomerGroupCode will be "VIP".
* Click Select Actions and add both actions. "Gift Ticket Item" should be on the first place. "Increase Customer Promotion Count" will be the second.
* Expand "Update Customer Promotion Count" setting. You'll see the Customer ID variable value. We'll enter PRM-[CustomerId] here. SambaPOS will replace [CustomerId] part with actual customer id so the setting name will be PRM-5 for 5th customer. This action will increase promotion count for each customer.
* Scroll back to the Top of "Constraints" list. There is Setting Check line. Enter PRM-[CustomerId] to the first edit box. Choose < from operator combobox and enter 5 to the last box. Now we said PRM-[CustomerId] value should be less than 5.With that setup we'll gift 5 beverages to each VIP customer. After 5th gift this action will not execute anymore.


Let's say we want to activate this promotion only on Christmas Period...

First we'll see the manual way.

* Navigate to Settings > Ticket Tags.
* Ticket Tag name will be Promo
* Add some ticket tags and name them as "Christmas", "SambaPOS Day", "Valentines Day", etc.
* Navigate to Departments, open "Restaurant" department and add that newly created Ticket Tag Group in Ticket Tags list.
* Go back to " Gift Beverages to VIP Customers" rule. Enter "Christmas" to Ticket Tag constraint. Now our rule will only execute if we tag a ticket as "Promo = Christmas". Switch to a Fast-Food or Delivery department, create a new ticket with selecting a customer. You'll see the "Promo" button on left column. When you click that you'll see the promotion options. Click Christmas and start adding lines. Tagging tickets with "Christmas" tag will add additional reports to "End of day" report. You'll see ticket totals grouped by tag names.

Action for tagging tickets automatically:

* Create a new action and name it as "Tag Ticket as Christmas Promotion"
* Action type will be "Update Ticket Tag"
* TagName will be "Promo"
* TagValue will be "Christmas"Rule for tagging tickets:

* Create a new rule with "Tag Tickets with Christmas Promotion" name.
* Event name is "Ticket Created"
* Click Select Actions and Choose "Tag Ticket as Christmas Promotion"
* On this step all new tickets will have "Promo = Christmas" tag so all promotion rules will execute.
* For toggling ticket tagging we'll check "Is Christmas Promotion Enabled" setting. Enter Is Christmas Promotion Enabled into "Setting Check" text box. Choose = as operator on second box and enter 1 to third box. That means "Is Christmas Promotion Enabled" setting should be equal to 1 for tagging new tickets with Christmas Promotion.Action for Enabling Christmas Promotion

* Create a new action and name it as "Enable Christmas Promotion"
* Action Type will be "Update Program Setting"
* Setting Name will be Is Christmas Promotion Enabled and Setting Value will be 1.Action for Disabling Christmas Promotion

* Create a new action and name it as "Disable Christmas Promotion"
* Action Type will be "Update Program Setting"
* Setting Name will be Is Christmas Promotion Enabled and Setting Value will be 0.Now we'll create two triggers for executing these actions

Trigger for Enabling Christmas Promotion

* Create a new Trigger and name it as "Start Christmas Promotion"
* Choose "Once a year" from "Common Settings"
* Select 15 for "Day"
* Select December for "Month"Rule for Enabling Christmas Promotion

* Create a new rule and name it as "Activate Christmas Promotion"
* Event Name will be "Trigger Executed"
* Select "Start Christmas Promotion" from "Trigger Name" drop down
* Click "Select Actions" and choose "Enable Christmas Promotion" action.Now on every 15th December trigger will execute and christmas promotion activates...

Trigger for Disabling Christmas Promotion

* Create a new Trigger and name it as "Stop Christmas Promotion"
* Choose "Once a year" from "Common Settings"
* Select 5 for "Day"
* Select January for "Month"Rule for Disabling Christmas Promotion

* Create a new rule and name it as "Deactivate Christmas Promotion"
* Event Name will be "Trigger Executed"
* Select "Stop Christmas Promotion" from "Trigger Name" drop down
* Click "Select Actions" and choose "Disable Christmas Promotion" action.Now on every 5th January Christmas promotion ends.



--- Quote from: emre on January 03, 2012, 05:17:13 pm ---Phew...

--- End quote ---

That says it all - thank you for the post. As you have said previously, it can be a little involved to setup the rules and actions.

But after reading your post, I am understanding more of the built-in capabilities of SambaPOS. I will be setting up the promo over the weekend and experimenting on a few different scenarios.

Well, what a successful afternoon playing with Actions & Rules.

I have setup free entry form into a promotion (printed from receipt printer) for purchases over $5 and/or $10 (or whatever you want).

Requirements for a customer to receive this
1. Spend money  :)
2. Be an actual customer with a membership card - no freebies here :)
3. Be an Active customer (set by Customer Group in my case) - Renew that membership!
4. And of course have the promo enabled on the system - One setting to turn on or off, then just log off and back on to enable/disable promo.

Sounds simple, and now its setup and working - it kinda was. But a simple promo like this is a powerful selling tool, and a very easy way to automate handing out promo tickets.

Update - Now added $20 promo and tagging tickets with the promo so we can track how many entry forms have been issued - useful when you need to make sure you are getting enough sales to cover the promotion.

Update#2 - Now added product promotions, where a customer selects a product, and at payment received, a promo ticket is printed. This is running with the dollar value promo and this promo runs second to the dollar value promo.


Well I think I just got too smart and backed myself into a corner.

I need your help. I am having issues with variables in some rules. I decided to remove rules for each value promo ($5, $10 & $20) and just have two varibales. One sets the value, the other sets the promo name. A value other than 0 enables the promo.

First issue - For a payment received rule, can you use Amount > {SETTING:PROMOVALUE}
Second issue - Using an update program settings action to update Ticket Tags using Setting Value = {SETTING:PROMONAME}

First issue keeps parsing as true, when its not.
Second issue produces {SETTING on the saved tickets and reports, but prints fine on the receipts.

Am I expecting too much? or should it work the way I am thinking?


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