Author Topic: Abstracting to Service & Presentation Layer to run Across Machine Boundries  (Read 20062 times)


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Has there been any thought into abstracting Samba to Client / Server architecture over net.TCP or https/soap using WCF, etc...? I figure that it is only a matter of time until full CC processing is integrated into Samba and for installations where there are multiple POS terminals in a larger restaurant or bar i am assuming that you are not going to want o install CC processing parameters on every station. In the case of a dial-up(i know but there are still many places in the world that rely on this) internet connection(which is ample for CC processing) you would want shared resources. There is also the issue of deployment of SQL server client on each POS.
I guess what I am asking is how easy is it to be able to separate the presentation and service or service and persistence layer to be able to function across a distributed network? Can a server application be developed to function as a bridge? and manage the persistence with the database on one machine while a client end can manage from the service layer all the way up to the presentation layer?
I know this is a loaded set of questions. I look forward to you answers.



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Hello Abi,

We can't call it separation of Service & Presentation but I have a small project on V3 for publishing some application features through Rest API. .

This is just a test project and I'll merge it with message server soon. This application will run on server and some clients "tablets, kitchen screens or some third party solutions" can access SambaPOS functions through this API. But for now I don't aim full SOA here. My primary objective is offering an easy integration point to SambaPOS without dealing with internals. If one day this API becomes mature we can develop a full POS client that works through that API.

One of the reasons of the V3 rewrite was preparing the infrastructure for that evaluation but I don't know how it will happen. SambaPOS is not a POS solution for the entire Restaurant industry. SambaPOS tries to solve it's own community problems. What people talks / asks? It becomes my future task.