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What is the best way to correct a wrong ticket?

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Today I had to correct a small problem regarding the "open cashdrawer" button. For testing purpose I made two cash transactions. How can I correct these transactions (either in the front- or backoffice)?

Reading other topics it is impossible (and a really bad idea) to re-open these tickets. Technically these test transactions are now listed at the financial report as income.

Sometimes a ticket goes wrong with bigger amounts, and we demand in this case that the employees print out the wrong ticket, mark it as void, and put this ticket in the cash drawer. Is there a way for the administrator to do a reversal transaction to correct the problem?

I think I tried everything...from negative prices to extra modifier.

The problem here is that the printed report has an official status here. So when an employee decides to enter a new ticket, because something went wrong with the old one, I have no way to correct this problem. This happens occasionally on busy days (it is much faster to enter the ticket new then correct problems on the old one).

My cash is also lower then what the report tells me. This can lead to problem with the tax authority.

I found another topic on this forum that altering old tickets is not permitted due to security restrictions. Corrections should be made by using cash transactions. I fully understand why you did this.

The problem is that I cannot specify the income groups by the cash transactions. So when I have a wrong ticket € 80,00 food € 20,00 soft drinks, I can only give in a cash correction by -€100,00. So there is no correction per income group.

Hello rvandam.
I don't know how I missed this topic.. Sorry for that.
First of all you can get info about clearing transaction data here. It will be useful if you need to start from stratch.

Cash corrections is useful for correcting payments. For example customer paid with credit card but cash button pressed. Other use will be refunds. If you pay pay money to customer back or cancel a credit card payment you'll also record it through cash module.

When something is wrong on a ticket users should void lines and add correct items. Closing (settling) a wrong ticket and creating another one will create problems.

Hi Emre, no problem at all :)

I know the employees should correct a ticket before it is closed, and usually they do this the correct way. Although the error rate with Sambapos is much lower then our old one, it sometimes happens that a ticket is presented to a customer, and something is wrong with it.

For example when someone gives a birthday party, and a special price was agreed with the manager. When the wrong ticket is presented to the customer the employee has no option then make a new ticket. It even occasionally happens that a customer returns, after he/she left and paid, with the ticket and ask for a correction.

The scenario from above doesn't happen often, but in case of the birthday party, it can be large amounts.

Edit: thank you for sharing the link btw :-) I already cleared the test data, using Management studio.

Edit2: in our old pos we had the possibility for the superuser to give in a negative ticket. This is I think better then clearing old tickets. With a negative ticket you can correct income by the right income group. The security risk is not that big, because the negative ticket remains in the system.


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