English Boards > Support

Barcode scanner issue


Running the latest version (2.75) of SambaPOS, and found that if you go to the Settle screen and process a payment, then return to the POS screen, you can not scan anything until you touch the screen. This happens with no department set or with Fast Food set.
This also happens after adding a ticket note and extra modifier. I assume its just a field focus coding issue when returning from certain screens.

Will work fine on 2.76. Thanks.

Perfect. Thank you.

Instead of starting a new topic, I thought I would add to this one.

I have found today, that if you are in a menu category at the ticket screen, you can only scan products if the menu category Numerator Type is set to Big. This is also true for searching for a product, although not as big of an issue as scanning.

Maybe its just a case of having the barcode/search field at the bottom of all other menus instead of just with the Big Numerator set.

I'll check this. Thanks.


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