Author Topic: Modifiers. Recipes and Inventory  (Read 15550 times)


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Modifiers. Recipes and Inventory
« on: January 23, 2013, 06:09:31 am »
When creating recipes and inventory items do I need to create a product for each modifier item. I cannot seem to get it to work correctly. I will give a quick example:

I have a milkshake product, made from ice-cream, milk and customers selection of flavour.

Currently the flavours are modifiers but Iam having difficulty tracking types of milkshake sold.

So do I create a product for each flavour or how can I link the flavour modifier to the recipe and inventory.

Thanks for your help

Solved the problem. I have to create a product for all my modifiers then can create recipe for each of them.

Its gonna be a long weekend of data input !!

« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 05:51:57 pm by lemmings »


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Re: Modifiers. Recipes and Inventory
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 06:41:59 pm »
I tried that, but could not see it reflected in Stock, what exactly does product column in modifier groups?  What is the best way to track lets say Pizza Ingredients where you want customers to choose  preference with special ingredients no matter what pizza size they choose (and also the other way round, quitting ingredients they do not like. I thought it could be done  through (hidden) products, called Extra-Whatever, each one with a receipt to affect stock, but that seems not to work neither.  Does program have any solution for this "common" case?

Many thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 06:45:34 pm by exidon »


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Re: Modifiers. Recipes and Inventory
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 09:35:27 pm »

I got the answer from a similar post in forum here. Anyhow I am sharing it also here, hence there might be other user falling into that whole. As I could find out in order to see, how modifiers impact stock, it is mandatory, to have a a recipe for the main product also!  Maybe there could be a warning included in the next version, checking for that condition! Anyhow, good to see, that it is possible, now I just miss howto avoid getting negative stock entries, since I cannot see a case, where it makes send to be able to sell products, that are physically not in Stock.