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please help! how to connect with ipad

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Hello everyone,

I have two weeks trying to connect a terminal with e server, i have gone through many problems and through forum i have managed to connect both of them last night, and I'm very happy that i managed to do that.
my next step is to connect to the server with the IPAD also, have read through forum and docs but I'm still confused how to connect through IPAD,
can somebody point me on right direction how to connect and workaround so i will be able to use the IPAD also,

thanks in advance


Basically you'll install a RDP app (pocket cloud fine) to the IPAD, connect to the server from ipad with this app and run SambaPOS. I can remember we talked about it on forums before.

Be sure to have Windows professional edition. You connect to de pos, using Remote Desktop, so you will have to add one user to the Windows installation of your pos. Also be sure to use passwords for your accounts, otherwise Remote Desktop won't work.

You can read further on here:

thanks for your help, i have managed to patch the termsvc.dll, i have created a new user for my ipad, but i cant connect with rdp through pocket cloud, im runing windows 7 home premium, firewall is off, i have no idea what it could be.  Can any one help me please?

Make sure you all Remote desktop connection on your server.

Open Control Panel and type "allow remote desktop" in search box"


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