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please help! how to connect with ipad

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I have allowed remote desktop conection also, could it be the operating system (windows 7 home premium)?

1. you have to choose less secure option
2. user account must have password

I have done both of them, but just been surfing the web and i think the main problem should be that i have windows 7 home premium and i have to upgrade it to professional.  ill check that tomorrow, thanks a lot to all of you for great support.

Just want to help Emre so, he can have more time for V3  ;)

Huh finaly its working, windows home premium it was one of the problems, also adding users to allow remote desktop, i had to add users to remote connection.
But the other problem im working on now is trying to connect to terminal app through iphone.
I have tried to open terminal app from server also, i press pin code, blank page with "new ticket" shows at the botom, try to add new ticket and i cant, i will surf the forum and might be able to find a solution, again thanks a lot, i cant belive how fast is working from the ipad also.


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