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Would it be possible to keep a count of modifiers?

ie be able to pick four items from list of six items

or one from three.

Would it be possible to prompt server to ask something ie "would you like milk or cream"
or "Would you like a cake with that?"

Hi Jenem,

For the first part, that will require a coding solution. As present, you can limit the selection to only 1 modifier or up to all modifiers - not a maximum of 4 out of 6.

For the second part, you can do that with modifiers like we have done. We discount the cookies and muffins if purchased with a beverage.

Or another way to prompt the operator is to set a rule that when coffee is added to a ticket, it triggers an action to show a message.

Thanks John,

How did you set up the ticket prompt?

I'm not sure if ticket means the screen ticket or the printed ticket.


1. Add a new Action called Cake. Set Action Type to Show Message. Enter what ever you want for the Message. Click Save.
2. Add a new Rule called Cake. Set Event Name to Line Added To Ticket. Set Menu Item Name to Coffee. Set Action to Cake. Click Save.

Thats it. When ever coffee is selected, the prompt will appear - I like using the modifiers to remind staff about up selling as the prompt gets too naggy after a while.


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