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Hi John,

What I am trying to achieve is we have a list of free items but a customer can only pick any combination of a set number of items
I would like to flash a warning to flag up a number greater than set has been picked and to remove an item.

I have tried a few things but dont seem to be able to track count.

Onwards and upwards!!



Doing the counter is easy and the popup message.
At this stage we can not remove just one modifier as you know, either manual or with scripting.

You can set a prompt when a group item is selected, ie Pizzas, and prompt 'you can only pick 4 modifiers', then prompt when 4 have been selected.

Hi John,

Could you give me some pointers on how to set this up please?

I have tried a few things but don't seem to have got anywhere.

Thanks Edgar

I was going to give you some pointers, and make you work for it :). But it was easier this way.

Set 3 Actions
1. Name - 3 Toppings. Action - Show Message 'Pick 3 toppings'
2. Name - 3 Toppings Used. Action - Show message 'Allowed number of toppings picked'
3. Name - Inc Mod Count. Action - Update Program Settings. Name: FreeMods, Value: 1, Type: Increase, IsLocal: True

Set 4 Rules
1. Name - Reset Mod Count. Event - Line Added to Ticket, Action - Update Program Settings - Name: FreeMods, Value: 0
2. Name - Inc Mod Count. Event - Modifier Selected, Actions - Inc Mod Count
3. Name - Free Mods Msg. Event - Modifier Selected, Setting Check - FreeMods = 1, Actions - 3 Toppings
4. Name - Used Mods Msg. Event - Modifier Selected, Setting Check - FreeMods > 2, Actions - 3 Toppings Used

Logoff & Logon.

- This will apply to all product modifiers. You can lock this down to an item or modifier group by the conditions in the Rules 2-4.
- It does not stop you adding more modifiers.
- Rule 3 activates on selection of first modifier.
- Rule order is critical as rules execute in the order they are created - top to bottom.

Have fun with this.

Thanks John,

Try Later!



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