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I don't seem to be able to pick up a modifier group name from the dropdown list on the modifier selected rule. I have a list of modifer group names defined But none show in the modifier selected modifier group name Is this correct?


Hello. Some parameters may not have auto complete values. This is not a requirement. You can type it too.

For solving that issue I implemented a new action named "Remove last modifier" for canceling modifiers.
And you'll be able to read total selected quantity in "Modifier Selected" event. So if you cancel last modifier when total quantity > 2 user will not be able to select more than two items.

I thought about adding "Change last modifier price" action but that will make usage harder. Since we increase quantity as user clicks button it will be hard to differ free items and paid items. I think we should create different groups for free modifiers and paid modifiers. User will be able to choose 2 modifiers from "Free modifiers" group and choose rest from "Paid modifiers" group.. That gives some more flexibility because you can have additional choices in "Paid Modifiers" group.

You'll receive them on next update... That was a nice exercise :) Thanks.

Hi Emre,

Thank you for your hard work.

Would free modifiers have a user defined count

ie this free modifier may have two free items out of choice of x number of items.

that free modifier may have four free items out of x number of items

One thing that may be of note is when reporting items the modifier items appear at the bottom of the report.is therre a way of linking them to the top item ie

Instead of say 10 coffees  4 teas and in the modifier part of the report cream 4, Milk 6 it would be better to report

Coffee 3
Coffee * cream 2
Tea * milk 2
Pizza > pepperoni > onions*Cheese*pineapple 2

Pizza > pepperoni > onions*Cheese 1

Hope it makes sense. It would be better to group modifiers with the upper level item.

It might make reporting a bit clearer. Just a thought!!


The TotalModifierQuantity constraint will allow you testing the quantity total for the modifier group. So you can call "Remove Last Modifier" aciton if TotalModiferQuanity is greater than a value you configured. You can download 2.81 for testing that.

Hi Emre,
Have tried the modifiers and they are now working brilliantly.
I have set it up so four items are free and if you select a fifth item a warning message pops up and the fifth modifier is removed.
If a customer changes their mind you can easily change a modifier.

Thank you :)


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