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We should mention here it is possible to auto activate modifier selection screen for an individual item by enabling "Auto Select" setting on "Edit Product Properties" screen. For example if you enable it for "coffee" when server selects coffee, modifier screen automatically appears and he'll be able to see options for coffee..

What John suggested is the best choice if you want to force servers to ask some questions to customer...

Hi Emre,

I notice in rules you have added modifier selected with some modifier options. I dont think these were there before (I could be wrong!)

Anyway, I notice the modifier options do not pickup the underlying modifier options. Is this correct or part of the ongoing improvments and updates.

How would you use these? could you use them the increment/decrement a count on options chosen?


I added it for displaying selected modifiers on customer screen. If you are planing to use is for something else I'll be happy to hear the details.

Hi Emre,

Rule -Set allowed item count

Set allowed item number
Count added items
If Item count > set number
Then set Warning Item count exceeded any extra Items chargeable
If added  items > allowed items count
then extra items charged at set price
Free Items added to ticket
Chargeable Item added to ticket.

Hope logic makes sense.

We would use this in build your own sandwiches or baguttes or paninis.

The same type of rule could be used for pizza toppings
Basic pizza + x number of toppings free
Extra toppings at x Price

If its not possible that's not a issue

 I am more than happy with all the effort you are putting in to develop the software.



I have created the rules based on your example.
Anything over 2 toppings are charged an extra cost by adding an 'Extra Toppings' line item.


Problem is that I cannot add more line items while modifying a line item.

Basically, I have an Action set to Add Ticket Item if more than 2 modifiers are selected on any line item. The Rules work as it also has an Action to Show Message as a test.

Is it not adding the additional line item because we are modifying another?


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