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How I connected a client with SQL


After  many hours of frustration following all the instructions about connecting a client trough SQL Express, and after much google, I finally managed to get it working,  I will explain now, but first I’ll assume you already have installed SQL EXPRESS on your computer, I use version 2005 because my PC doesn’t support higher versions,  please see if it works on other versions.
OK Let’s go to business! Please follow these steps, that's what I did!

1.- follow the instructions on this tutorial I made, I aplogize for the quality:D:

2.- go to this site and follow all the steps mentioned:
http://faq.instant-tech.com/2009/09/sql-express-will-not-accept-remote.html (you may need to use the arrow keys for scrolling)

I really hope this can help you if you have questions I'll try to help, but please remember I know nothing about that SQL thing, it was just a matter of investigating on the net and playing arround with the programs good luck!!!

Thanks dude

Great illustration, worked for me.

First I think you have to install the Management Studio to the corresponding SQL-Version. As I know the Management Studio isn't normaly in an express version and hast be installed seperatly. Here I found a HowTo on the 2012 SQL http://en.competence.prevero.com/index.php?title=Microsoft_SQL_Server_2012_Management_Studio_Express

For more "simple" works or forensics I use a neat little thing called LinqPad (http://www.linqpad.net/ ) which also connects to sdf or mdb and to the SQL CD-Servers out of the box. In there you can lookup and alter things in the Database with C#, SQL and other languages. Also a neat little thing to quickly test programmcode.

Did anyone have a look here?


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