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Reprint Last Order button on New Ticket screen


  In my ice-cream store, we don't print receipt for customer unless customer explicitly ask for. This way we save paper/tree.  In my current Sharp POS, I have dedicated button to reprint last order.

We don't use  SelectTables and All Tickets button on New Ticket screen. Is there a way to change one of them to print last order?

If not, what would be the best to implement this.  I am a developer and could make changes to the code but want to follow same rules to it would be earlier to merge/upgrade. 

This is also something implemented with V3

I am tempted to use V3 for production :)

1. How do I disable Select Tables and All tickets button on New Ticket screen?  My store doesn't have siting area so no concept of tables.

2. Is there any way to change button label "Voucher" to "Coupons" ?

Don't use it because until beta it will drop database when database schema changes. That's why not too many people use that.

and... both of them solved on V3 :)

Thanks!!  Once you clone v2.99c on github, I will backport these features provided framework didn't change much :)


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