Author Topic: Separate amount for each dine-in customer  (Read 19146 times)


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Separate amount for each dine-in customer
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:59:09 am »
In my restaurant,
most customers are coming in a group but
most of it are paying the average amount.

For example $300 (after tax&service charge) in a dinner for 5 persons. each of them are need to pay $60.
I hope there's a field to key in how many person per table.
Then at the footer of the receipt displaying how many $ per person.


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Re: Separate amount for each dine-in customer
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 07:47:58 pm »
At first I thought it won't be possible but I think I found something to try...

First of all take a look at this document to learn how to track Guest Count

To be able to print "total / guest count" you can use "printer template expressions",423.msg2347.html#msg2347 link contains some information about that.

For example:
[=Format(ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}')/4)] prints "Total / 4".

We need to replace 4 with Guest Count. We use {TICKETTAG:X} tag to print a ticket tag value. So if the tag name is "Guest Count" as demonstrated on the document {TICKETTAG:Guest Count} will print guest count.
So ...
[=Format(ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}') / {TICKETTAG:Guest Count})]
should print Ticket Total divided by Guest Count.

Let me know your progress. Thanks.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 07:49:44 pm by emre »


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Re: Separate amount for each dine-in customer
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 05:57:07 pm »
For example:
[=Format(ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}')/4)] prints "Total / 4".

We need to replace 4 with Guest Count. We use {TICKETTAG:X} tag to print a ticket tag value. So if the tag name is "Guest Count" as demonstrated on the document {TICKETTAG:Guest Count} will print guest count.
So ...
[=Format(ToNumber('{TICKET TOTAL}') / {TICKETTAG:Guest Count})]
should print Ticket Total divided by Guest Count.

I try to find how to calculate things like this for a while. Finally found it. You should have this in "docs". :)