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Migrate to sql express

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I set up SambaPOS for a friend that needed a low cost POS system for a tavern. The system was working great for the first 2 months but has recently has started to exhibit some problems. When the employees end their work periods the system freezes and they have to reboot to continue. And it takes 5 minutes or so to get their work period reports to show up before they can print the report. The system is a single terminal consisting of a Dell Optiplex with 3gH processor, 2 gigs of memory, cash drawer, printer and touch screen. The database is the CE which expands by around 2,500k a month and is a little over 10,000k at this point.

I have been trying to migrate the database to SQL Express using ExportSqlCE40 I get 2 migrate files, migrate_0 and migrate_1. The instructions seem to indicate that only 1 migrate file should be created.

So two questions;
Is the CE database growing too fast too quickly?
Should I be getting 2 migrate files when using ExportSqlCE40?


I have done the very same thing as my system was slowing down using sql ce. It runs a lot better on SQL server and start-up is much faster. Reports are also generated quicker too.

You should only get one file migrate.sql when you running the export script.

Thanks for your response.

I have run the ExportSqlCE40 several times according to the instructions and get the same results. How did you type your cmd line?

Did you followed this tutorial?

To the letter.

I'm thinking that there may be some corrupt data. I've tried locating a compact and repair tool for a CE database but they don't seem to exist.


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