English Boards > Support

Sales groups


I have worked on this whole day, unfortunately I cannot find a solution....

I have set up the pos according to our administrator, to put the products in only a few sales groups

Soft Drinks

This way the sales reports show up immediately the right amounts to book into the administration.

Unfortunately this leads to lots of problems for our employees, because the excellent template group tag doesn't work. I cannot separate the products in starters, main course etc etc., because they all remain in the group Food.

Is there a workaround for this problem? Either to get financial reports in the sales groups from above, or use tagging for grouping items in the printer templates?

I also saw an option ticket tags, but I am not sure if this is usable.

Instead of "Group Code" you can group them by "Tag" value that you'll see in product card. Using {PRODUCT TAG} as grouping value should do the job.

Thank you Emre. I already tried something in that direction, but it didn't work. Now I know it must be possible I will try a bit harder :)

I could not rest before I was sure it would work and went back to the office. I tried to get results using the {ITEM TAG} without result. With the {PRODUCT TAG} in group template everything works excellent!

Thanks again! Tomorrow will be tagging day :)

Yes {ITEM TAG} is also a grouping tag but it groups items by line tags. For example you can tag order lines as seat1, seat2 and group them by seats.


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