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Sambapos Crashing


Attached is an error log, Sambapos keeps crashing intermittently.

This is the 3rd time this evening and mainly happens when in Management, amending modifiers or products.

It could be an issue with the SQL Server as there may be some delay when saving data, so perhaps I'am moving about from one screen to the next without waiting for the data to be saved. (I have been putting the database under some strain this evening with the rework of recipes etc etc)

Is is possible someone in support could just enlighten me to what this error is linked too ?

Thank You

This is a grid editor bug.
The reason is simple but the effect seems horrible :)

That happens while modifying data on grids. If you notice a grid cell has a red border that means "entered value not accepted". You can save or close the screen while grid is in error state but it will crash as soon as you display that screen again.

There are two things to avoid.
1. While editing data do not move to other cells with mouse click. Just press enter.
2. Do not clear numeric values with delete key. Enter zero instead.

The bug is: when grid is in error state, second attempt to display data crashes it. It should simply allow refresh when it is in error state.

Since that grid is part of .net framework library we can't fix the bug because it is closed source.
So it submitted to Microsoft but still not solved.

I didn't tested it with latest (4.5) framework. If it still not solved I'll try to find a workaround.

It will be awesome if .net framework completely becomes open source... It will happen one day but nobody can know when.

Ok thanks. Its not an issue with Sambapos or my SQL  database.

I will avoid mouse clicks when editing as this is probably the maim cause.

@emre The mono project is a good attempt to make an opensource .net framework :)


It does appear that the 4.5 framework has resolved this issue.

It does explain why my desktop was never crashing when I setup Sambapos but my fathers till keeps crashing, this was running .NET 3.5.

I have upgraded the till to 4.5 framework and the issue has not reoccured as yet


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