Author Topic: Defaulting modifier for an item  (Read 15180 times)


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Defaulting modifier for an item
« on: February 20, 2013, 02:49:59 am »
  Is there any way to default the modifier value when item is selected similar to portion size?

e.g For icecream cone, we have three different types of ice-cream flavors : vanilla, chocolate and mix
When Cone is selected, it should select the default modifier as vanilla and display it.



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Re: Defaulting modifier for an item
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 03:32:20 pm »
Navigate to Menu List > [Your Menu] > Choose a Category > Click Edit Product Properties
You'll see a column named "Default Properties". If you enter a modifier name here (or multiple modifier names separated with comma) that modifier(s) will selected by default.


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Re: Defaulting modifier for an item
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 10:45:50 pm »
Hi Emre,
  Thanks for your reply.  Awesome!! You have thought through each feature very carefully.

Thanks a lot!!


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Re: Defaulting modifier for an item
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2013, 10:02:12 am »
I am playing around with modifiers and got some further questions here:

1. If yo set default modifiers, which is their default option?
2. What if you have a "Modifier" - product behind the lets say standard option, that also comes with different product portions? Is there a chance to relate the modifier portion to the base product portion or would I have to make modifier-products with different recipies for each product size?
3. Is there a way to make default modifiers appear in Ticket View (I saw, if I change it, they appear, but if they are just default I had impression they do not, or did I just forgot an step to follow ?!?

To explain a little better my Questions:

I want to say Pizza, where customer has maximum possibility to configure them. So Pizza generally comes in 3 Sizes, so my idea is to make a base recipe for pizza and some for each possible overlay, that customer can choose. Of course  my aim is to track stock no matter, what customer wants (or not wants!)