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Authorize.Net With sambapos ?

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Dear DQ ,

i downloaded ZIP from the link "https://github.com/rohitjoshi/SambaPOS-2"  but it doesnt compile the project ! it throws errors..

is it something i am doing wrong !


i know  you are always very bussy ..:) and  i didn't want to bother you but i haven't heard from DQ ..

Can you help me with this ...downloaded zip files doesn't compile ..


Emre has pulled My changes are into master branch so you should be able to get that. Try using that.


--- Quote from: DQ on March 23, 2013, 04:28:31 am ---Emre has pulled My changes are into master branch so you should be able to get that. Try using that.

--- End quote ---

I couldn't find them. Can you provide a link ?  I would like to test credit card integration with SambaPos.

Thank you

Try https://github.com/rohitjoshi/SambaPOS-2/tree/contribs-fork at your own risk or wait for another week and Emre should be able to merge my changes.


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