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Defaulting modifier for an item


  Is there any way to default the modifier value when item is selected similar to portion size?

e.g For icecream cone, we have three different types of ice-cream flavors : vanilla, chocolate and mix
When Cone is selected, it should select the default modifier as vanilla and display it.


Navigate to Menu List > [Your Menu] > Choose a Category > Click Edit Product Properties
You'll see a column named "Default Properties". If you enter a modifier name here (or multiple modifier names separated with comma) that modifier(s) will selected by default.

Hi Emre,
  Thanks for your reply.  Awesome!! You have thought through each feature very carefully.

Thanks a lot!!

I am playing around with modifiers and got some further questions here:

1. If yo set default modifiers, which is their default option?
2. What if you have a "Modifier" - product behind the lets say standard option, that also comes with different product portions? Is there a chance to relate the modifier portion to the base product portion or would I have to make modifier-products with different recipies for each product size?
3. Is there a way to make default modifiers appear in Ticket View (I saw, if I change it, they appear, but if they are just default I had impression they do not, or did I just forgot an step to follow ?!?

To explain a little better my Questions:

I want to say Pizza, where customer has maximum possibility to configure them. So Pizza generally comes in 3 Sizes, so my idea is to make a base recipe for pizza and some for each possible overlay, that customer can choose. Of course  my aim is to track stock no matter, what customer wants (or not wants!)


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