English Boards > Support

To Emre and the SambaPOS Team

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A big THANK YOU for such a wonderful product.

I have been following SambaPOS since Aug 2011, and to see where it is now and what we all have achieved is amazing for an open source system. The SambaPOS Team are truly gifted programmers.

I have demonstrated SambaPOS to a few clients now, and they are all impressed with the speed, functionality, and look of the system. Two clients are in the final processes of decision making before implementing the system.

In summary, SambaPOS is a strong competitor to POS systems like Ideal POS and SwiftPOS for small to medium sized venues.

I have attached 2 screen shots showing our demo system setup for bar systems.


I agree!!

I am just playing around with functions trying to see if it can replace Freepos (registered) in my brothers coffee shop. I am of the opinion that it is one of the best POS software around and gives some expensive POS systems a run for they're money.

I have tried a few free systems Point of success free, Openbravo, and Floreant POS.

So I just trying to find work arounds for some of the Freepos functions in SambaPOS.

So Emre and Team please accept my thanks as well.


Thank you very much for your kind words John. That made us happy :)

I didn't know you're evaluating SambaPOS for your clients. Let me say few more words about that.

We are getting lots of e-mails from people who wants to be retailer, partner, etc.  We don't care if you'll use SambaPOS for yourself or for your client. You can do anything (of course republishing it as a different closed source product is an exception) with SambaPOS. You can use it in your own restaurant or you can work with your clients like John does.. Test it, ask features and help us on building them...  From the business side we don't demand any commissions or anything similar for SambaPOS. It is up to you if you'll want to support it or not. If you support we'll have better relations and we can keep the project alive. That's the idea...

PS: John We're expecting more images. :) Thanks...

I had a successful day with a new client demonstrating SambaPOS.
Only once did they ask for a total installed cost, but they did ask several times how soon can they have it  :)

Overall feedback was very positive, and after an hour the directors were using the system by themselves and had committed to purchasing one system, but after the next board meeting (next week) they may actually purchase two.

All in all, another great result for SambaPOS.

Awesome... I know we'll share greater stories under this topic :)


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