English Boards > Support

Wierd problem with the pos

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Yesterday evening we had a strange problem with the pos.

From one table the tickets were not printed in the kitchen (all other tables were fine). I thought this could be a windows problem, so I investigated further, and I decided to print the bill from this table. The total amount was right, but the ticket showed only one product (one cola)

In the table screen this table was yellow, and clicking this table it showed all products. But when I closed the table screen, all open tables were shown, except this one. I tried to move this table to another number, but the problem moved with it.

In the end I canceled all products, closed the ticket, and entered all products again on the same table. Now this table worked as it should. Before I canceled the products I made a database dump. Using this dump on my test machine gave the same problems.

Any idea how this problem can occur, and how I can prevent this kind of problems in the future?

The last configuration I did on the pos was adding a terminal. I removed this terminal, to see if the problem is solved now....

Can you send me the dump?

You have got mail  :)

At first glance the ticket attached to table 16 belongs to a different department. That's why you don't see it when you click close on table list.

I'm still looking...

OK. I think I got it.
When you Click "All Tickets" on Afrekenen department, choose a ticket and add new items on it, that ticket moves to that department. This is normal default behavior.

On "Print bon" printjob you have separate rules for Afrekenen department but they are not working since there is a problem with product linking. Removing lines created for Afrekenen department should solve the issue.

I don't know how it happened but most probably due to using "duplicate print job" command, Afrekenen department lines linked to a product named "*". Re-assigning * from dropdown list to these lines will also fix this issue.


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