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Cant use coma (,) when adding price to new transaction (Inventory)


1.  I have a problem adding a transaction cost (Inventory) ex 11,80. (Only in samba pos coma is not working)

2.  Also another problem the inventory not reducing when selling a product, i have mapped the product with the item inventory through recipe. The weird thing is the items like cola have no problem, only the items ex: coffee. i have created new item inventory for coffee: GR/KG/1000, added a recipe with 8 GR quantity, sold few coffees then after work period checking end day record but coffee not reducing from inventory?

I have read all the forum posting regarding inventory but couldn't find someone had the problem im facing.
Please if someone could help me on this.

That may happen if SambaPOS language and Windows language are different. You can try changing "Override Windows Regional Setting" on Local settings and restart SambaPOS.

Thanks Emre,
That was the problem, now it works perfect.


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