English Boards > Support

Default Gift Item does not allow modifiers to be selected

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Hello Lemmings. Let me understand your problem.
You have a product named "Ice Cream" and you enabled autoselect for it. That means when you click it you can see modifiers screen.

To be able to automatically gift that item:

- You created an action named "Gift Item" and filled properties.
- You created a rule for "Ticket Line Added" event and you filtered it to work for Ice Cream and assigned "Gift Item" action.

Now.. When you click "ice cream" it Gifts Ice Cream but it does not show modifiers screen.

Did I understood it right?

Hi Emre

Yes, exactly correct.  The Rule works and action selects correct GIFT item but I do not get the modifiers screen.  I have to highlight the item again for the modifiers to appear.


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