English Boards > Support

collect deposit for advanced bookings using on ticjets


Our restaurant has started taking bookings for parties and will always accept a deposit.

What we are trying to do is transfer the deposit to a ticket so that the deposit can be used against the bill.  We have one customer next weekend who has paid a deposit and will also be putting some money behind the bar towards the drinks bill so we need to record this somewhere.

We can create a customer and add the payments, I can see that we can transfer any ticket balance to the customer account so therefore should be able to use the deposit against the ticket.

Is it possible to give the customer a receipt and a bill though, I have been mockup testing but it does not seem to take into account the deposits paid by the customer.

Anyone had any similar issues.

So far I have created a ticket tag for deposit and entered some amounts like 50,100,150. When the ticket tag is added it adds a line to the ticket which is a menu item labelled deposit - It works but I dont like having to create a menu item which has no relevance to food products.

Is it possible to use a setting value somewhere to store the deposit value - I suppose I could use the ticket tag and add this to the bill/receipt but I need to take the deposit off the price of the ticket bill produced

We'll have better support for this on V3. I've prepared a tutorial to demonstrate similar usage by using customer cards but it is in Turkish. I hope I can find time to translate it soon.


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