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Open Drawer Button

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We have been happily using Samba POS for a few months now and it is great. However we could really do with knowing how to do a couple if things:

1. Make an Open Drawer Button. I have followed the explanation elsewhere on the forum but can't make them work. Would somebody be kind enough to post step by step instructions for us?

2. How can we delete a work period?

Many thanks

You'll create a new printer template and it will only contain the related <XCT> code for your printer at the header template.
You'll create a new print job that uses this printer template. If you disable automatic printing and enter a "button header" for the printjob it will display a button on payment screen or on ticket screen depending on the printjob settings.

Don't forget to add this template to terminal settings... :)

Many thanks.

Does anyone know how to delete a work period?  It would really help us as we used it for training and don't want it on our system.


Which database do you use?

You find more info here:

I'm really sorry folks.  I still can't create an 'Open Drawer' button. 

If anyone can spare the time to write a step-by-step instruction that would be great - it is getting frustrating!!!!!  I have tried following the instructions already on the forum and I can't get the button to appear - I expect I am doing something wrong somewhere along the line!!!



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