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is there a way to do a personal translation [resolved]



First, i just discover your soft and want to congratulate you for the excellent work you've done.

I'm very busy now but soon, i will help you to improve french translation ;)

So here my question, is there a way to change translation but just for us? By this way we can have new "feature", i explain :

My friend want to change the button "Chèque" (voucher) in "Ticket restaurant" (food voucher?) as he don't use normal voucher but just food voucher. By this way, his tickets will be legal because he have to write this on. So i think than modify just for him this translation would be great  because it giving new feature without code implementation.

I tried with some dll software but i never see other things that version infos and editing with notepad give a non usable translation.


You can do it by downloading source code, open with Visual Studio 2010 Express, make needed changes and compile. That may sound complicated but if you try it you'll see it is not too different than working with MS Word.


It is possible to change/add payment types from management screen on V3.

Ok really thx.

I saw it will be possible in v3 but I thought it was not yet released because google code do not have v3 (last is 2.99c).

Thx for your fast reply.

PS: i think i will do a french doc for my friend. Are you interested by ? if yes, i can send it to you when finished


--- Quote from: wadoo on March 06, 2013, 10:48:27 am ---
PS: i think i will do a french doc for my friend. Are you interested by ? if yes, i can send it to you when finished

--- End quote ---

Of course... If you PM me your e-mail address I can share french translation document for your review/modifications.


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