English Boards > Support

refund or voids


In my brothers coffee shop customers order at the till, pay bill and go and sit down and thier order is delivered by waitress to them.

How can you refund them if a item on their bill is complained about?

ie If food was cold or too salty.

I know you can void an open ticket but is it possible to have a refund button with refund reasons set up in manager.

I know you can refund in cash draw under expenses but you have to type expense reason.

(or am I being silly?)


No this is a very good question. We have strict rule about not altering paid tickets. For this reason refunds should be done through cash like you said. On next major release we'll improve cash transactions so you'll be able to record refunds by choosing a menu item and a reason.

As ever, Thank you Emre!!

You will probably hate this question, but what is the ETA for V3?
And yes, refund is a necessary evil in POS systems.

OK. I'm giving the most hated answer:
When it is ready :)

Note: As I mentioned above refunding is possible through cash drawer screen. We won't have "come back to ticket, cancel payment, refund lines, repay, close ticket" etc. on further releases too. Maybe we can find a better (and easier of course) solution for this. V3 will bring easier cash transaction registration by selecting items and description.


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