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Clear All orders work periods etc Script

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Hi Guys,

I had seen a script file on here to clear all history of orders on here, but i cant seem to find it.
cant you point me to the link or post the script?



thanks Emre,

I did see this but I has seen a post by JohnS where he had a script also maybe i think this was the one.

thanks again I will check this out and try to run it later and let you know the outcome.

Kind Regards.

Hi there,

How do I connect the script (dtrain.sqle) on management studio?
cause im not able to execute it without being connected, im not that familiar with sql management studio,
Thanks in advance

when you first start management studio it should ask connection properties. You'll enter server name, user, password as you entered on SambaPOS connection.

You'll click on new query and select "sambadata2" database from the database selection combobox. You'll find it on top left toolbar.

dtran file is a txt file. You'll open it copy & paste script in management studio.


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