Author Topic: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?  (Read 39687 times)


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2012, 02:34:09 pm »
Sorry didn't mean to hijack your post. I just thought the question had already been answered so I was commenting on what I knew of similar features...


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Re: post code integrasyon for united kingdom?
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2013, 02:34:14 am »
hi every one this is my very first post first of all thank you very much emre for a fine looking software i am  slowly getting to grips with it.
i have a similar problem to the original post that i am in the uk and would like to use the suggested method of checking someones address by their post code (i think this is what the person was trying to say.yes as emre mentioned the uk post code file is very expensive but the point you guys missed is that
each restaurant does not need the whole post code of the uk as the file is about 2 gigs or more i think also i don't know a restaurant that can deliver food to the whole of the united kingdom.
how commercial software that integrates this works is you can buy only the post code that relates to you area or the area you want to deliver at most this will be between 3 to 5 post codes that way the file is very small at most about 10 mb also cost effective as you pay about 100 pounds for the first code then 5 pounds for each after that and there are many companies that sell this on the web.
now my question is i have such post code file in my possession for the area my restaurant delivers to how would we integrate this to sambapos as programming goes i am a completely incompetent also i would like to add i am turkish living in the uk if any one need help with translation of the site i would like to help again thanks for every ones anticipated help.