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How to get cent or comma in Change Due & Amount Tendered?

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My problem is that i do not get any decimals after the Change Due & Amount Tendered in any way. All other does work perfectly.

If it is coverd somewhere in a topic, i have not found it, i have been looking like crazy, i even tried to change system local and back again what i read as a suggestion.
Because it does not show the decimals it rounds up the amount, 1,49 becomes 1 and 1,51 becomes 2. Thats not a good thing.

I have tried this as wel,

But no luck.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?

Other then that the program is working like a charm.


can you try #.## instead of #,## ?

It is working.
It was not that i made a mistake, but just the fact of after changing everything, logging of is not enough before the changes take effect.
When i closed the system around 6am, i closed the Work Period as well.
When i started up today i made a new work period and then i changed as suggested. It was working, but i only changed one template, i was surprised to see that the other template who i did not changed was working to.

After changing, logging out and even restarting the system, some changes do not work right away, it is better i think, though i am not sure, to close the Working period and start a new one after making changes.

Now it just looks like this as it should,


But thank you anyway very much. A great program indeed.

I hope this can help someone else to.


Problem not solved!!

I was just about done configureing everything after 2 full days and nights changing all how i wanted it, then i found out i had a broken harddisk.
Harddisk replaced and i started all over, installed windows, servicepacks ect.
Installed Samba 2.99 again and this time it was much more simpler, i knew now how things are working.
But here it comes,

During testing i got tickets with 2 decimals after the comma, with tendered and change due, and some tickets did not. I tested again and again, did the same order, followed the same paths every time, and sometimes i have and sometimes i dont, same user same order no changes made.
Same happend with admin as well.

Can anyone put some light on this? Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance,


Works just fine for me.
To see the changes that have been made, I logout, exit, and rerun sambaPOS. That way I ensure the changes will remain in the program.


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