Author Topic: Font size and logo(Samba 2.99)  (Read 17812 times)


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Font size and logo(Samba 2.99)
« on: September 01, 2013, 11:19:05 pm »

I am using Samba pos version 2.99. Everything works fine, need to understand and implement below:

1. I am unable to insert logo to the ticket template. Tried as instructed in the sample ticket template, saved the file as logo.bmp in c: drive. However it does not work

2. I want the ticket header to print with large font. None of the tags work e.g. <J00>, <J01>,< J10>, <L01>, <R01>, <R21> . All tags give font with same height and width. I have set the printer type to 'html', also tried with 'text', no result

The printer model is HP Laserjet 4500

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 11:20:45 pm by gvajpai »


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Re: Font size and logo(Samba 2.99)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 04:19:05 am »
With regards to the logo are you sure your are pointing to the full directory of the image in your template, for example my logo is in the following directory so therefore the template includes:

C:\Program Files\Sambapos2\images\alsdiner.bmp

Although I would suspect that it is due to the printer type that you are using, the printer templates are set up to use printers which use ESC/POS commands - such as Epson, Toshiba, Star and therefore the font tags will likely have no affect on other printers.


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Re: Font size and logo(Samba 2.99)
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2013, 12:00:33 am »
Thank You Lemmings,

- I am specifying <BMP> before pointing the location of logo. The full path is also correct. However it still does not work. Possibly I am missing something in any other configuration.
- Are there any other html/css formatting commands that can be used to increase fonts on the header of a ticket (compatible with Laser printers).

Please comment.
