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receipt print issues

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Hi Emre,

Just tried to print using text printing to pdf.

I found out that the date prints as month, day, year. In the UK the format is day, month, year.

i couldn't see obvious way to change print format.

Items show shifted totals increasing being out of alignment (could this be because I am using a pdf print and not an actual receipt printer?)

Is possible to insert company logo, name and telephone number?

In the UK we also need to have a VAT registration number on all prints if VAT registered. How can this be achieved ?



I never tried it with PDF so I don't have any idea about it :) If you want to test printouts you can use demo printer. It sends printout directly to the notepad screen. You have to select demo printer as printer type and enter a dummy printer name to activate it.

It should format dates with windows regional settings but I'll check it again if there is something wrong.

Is VAT registration number unique for all tickets?

Visit this topic for more information about formatting printouts



Printing to PDF is proportional printing and screws up for me too. If you use demo printer(notepad) the formatting is correct. Just be sure to open notepad first before printing so it works. Remember that larger text (ie <C01>, <J01>, etc) will show as standard size characters in notepad - the only way to truly test is with a receipt printer.

The date format is set by windows, check Settings>Local Settings>Program Language that it is set to English, then check regional settings in control panel of your OS.

Look at this for receipt setup http://doc.sambapos.org/doku.php/en/tips/sample_ticket_printer_template

See attached for my ticket setup and sample. The sample picture is not very good - sorry, but you will get the idea.

We use ABN in Australia for TAX registration and out tax is called GST (Goods & Services Tax), whereas you use VAT.

As ever,

John, Emre.

I will try later.

Thank you to you both!!


Windows 7 64bit

Checked regional settings and found set to UK.
Date time all showing correctly.

However, Checked under additional settings and found the settings were for USA.

Reset back to original settings and now prints ok.



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