English Boards > Support



Am i missing something in the Reports section? I am required to start and end work periods for POS, but in Reports, I cannot select a particular work period to see- only pick today, yesterday, last week, etc. or choose a date range.

Also, when I create a work period and give it a description (before I enter Cash in drawer) that description is no longer seen anywhere. When I click on Work Periods to see past/ start a new period, I cannot select them and the description I entered isnot there either.

Where do the descriptions come into play and is there a way to select a work period in Reports?

Thanks much! Loving this stuff!!!


When you enter a date range we insert covered work periods in combobox. In first SambaPOS releases we didn't implemented date range selection in reports and used descriptions for choosing work periods easier. After date range implementation we removed it from reports because it is possible to select multiple work periods by entering date ranges. For now there is no functional need for descriptions but we kept it for further management features that are in our plans.

Try selecting for example Past Month, let it load the report, then click on the drop down list again - you should see all work periods for that period.
Same for Past Week as well.

Thank you JohnSCS!

Still wish I could see descriptions here...

Thanks guys!!

OK You'll see the descriptions on next release.


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