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help : printing a line for separation via Command


hello all
how do I print a separator line via Command

example :

--- Quote ---1 pizza
2 cocacola
--------------------------   <<< line for separation via Command
1 Spaghetti
1 Vino
--- End quote ---

assume that the client must first eat the pizza and then spaghetti
the kitchen must first prepare the pizza and spaghetti after
line serves to understand to the kitchen the order in which the food must be prepared

how can I do?

thanks  (sorry for the writing language)

You can use Extra Modifier button (When you select an item will appear on the left bar) and type in ----------------------------   or you can create a modifer group with "-------------"  then you can quickly select it.

very thanks


I'm sorry I did not mean Extra Modifier/modifer

but adding a new line

--- Quote ---1 pizza
    - mozzarella
    - piselli
2 cocacola
--------------------------   <<< 1 line for separation via Command
1 Spaghetti
1 Vino

--- End quote ---

line is used to communicate to the kitchen that spaghetti should be prepared after eating pizza

other solution? .. via rule or action ?

thanks again

Are you trying to separate kitchen ticket items by course


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