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Multi User Issue

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I think you can use tables instead of ticket tags. Table numbers will be plate numbers and you won't use another fixed number for tables. When needed waiter can assign a number to the table.

Alternatively you can try assigning that ticket tag as "default tag" for that department. I think you can find more information about it if you search forums for "default tag" keyword.

Every time I Use Sambapos or  talk about it, Every time I love it more.

Thank you very, very much emre, I just wanted to confirm this solution as a professional one, but not as a work around. Excellent, I will search the forums for the other alternatives.

Best Regards.

I think Emre's answer is good. Tables allow you to group people together, and just because we use the term 'Table' doesn't mean that is all it can be used for.

Have one group of Tables setup as actual tables, and setup another group of Tables to correspond to the plate numbers and call this 'Plates'. When a customer sits down at a Table, merge their Plate to the Table.

While there may not be a straight forward solution to some problems, there usually is a workaround that is efficient and sometimes is easier than the original situation.


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