English Boards > Support

Customer Phone Numbers


Hi Everyone,
I have been playing with the system for a little while and this is my first post with a question. I have found that I cannot store customer phone numbers in the system that start with a zero, is there a way? All UK area codes and  mobiles start with a zero, and even though you type it, the system always drops it.

I can set the system up to show the phone numbers in the following format (#####) ###### but without the zero its not right. If a customer only gives their six digit number ie. 123456 it fills the field as (12345) 6.

Whilst I dont want to always fill in the area code everytime It would be good if you start to type a number with the lead zero then the format (#####) ###### is used but if you start with any other digit then it will accept just the 6 digits without the (#####) field

In Excel spreadsheets you can format a cell as 'text' instead of a 'number' and then you can start numbers with a zero.

Thanks for a wonderful programe


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